What Happens If?
You are not able to fly into Winterlake Lodge during your time of arrival?
We will continue to fly you throughout the day of legal daylight.
You are not able to fly into Winterlake during the first day of your trip?
We will contact your travel advisor or assist you personally to help you find lodging in Anchorage and resume your itinerary the following morning. If you are able to extend your time with us, you can add on the lost day.
You cannot fly out of Winterlake Lodge due to weather?
We will accommodate you with room and meals at no extra charge. Guided service and alcohol costs are additional.
You cannot go bear viewing due to inclimate weather while staying at Tutka Bay?
Our guides will offer you options of additional activities for the day. Bear viewing is complimentary in your package and we are not able to offer any refunds.
You cannot go deep sea fishing due to inclimate seas while staying at Tutka Bay?
Our guides will offer you options of additional activities for the day. Deep sea fishing is complimentary in your package and we are not able to offer any refunds.
You paid for an additional secondary bear viewing or sportfishing adventure at Tutka Bay and cannot go out due to inclimate weather?
You will be refunded for the cancellation of this excursion.